There are two producer for the 'Tales from Space' project, myself included. To be frank, I'm not used to having so much assistance. We divided up our roles into two primary categories. I'm taking on the project management side of things which means that essentially I pay attention to the schedule and team. My partner is taking the marketing and branding side of things (our outward appearance). This has been working well for the last two weeks as he is skilled in that area, or at least much more knowledgeable than I am. My job however, has been too easy up until this point (not that I'm complaining). Particularly of note is that my leads for art, programming, and design are all doing such a good job focusing their teams that I have much less work than I thought I would have. Because of this, I'm going to be assisting my partner with the marketing side of things, because there is a lot to do.
We met earlier today and I'm very excited about the current steps we have in place to get the ball rolling. Primarily, our focus was on social media, but we also discussed conventions, physical marketing, release, website potential and more. Probably most notable on the docket is the need to change the title of our project. 'Tales from Space' is part of the title of another game that was released a few years back. We (us producers) both agreed that it would be in our best interest to not create confusion with that other game, as well as not risk a "cease and desist" potential from suddenly crushing any brand momentum we may generate. Either way, my contribution to the marketing side is going to be in the physical branding side of things while my partner in crime is going to focus on the online portion.
Besides marketing, this current sprint is our final week before we must meet the green-light conditions of our professors. These conditions essentially are us having the design and concept fully planned out, so that we can go into full production. For us, this involves a branding strategy, networking, an audio plan, mega-gun feature implementation, the player hub, and the user interface overhaul primarily. The team is hard at work moving towards those goals. If we meet all the criteria smoothly, we will begin a production cycle next sprint - new territory for all of us on the team. When that happens, I'll likely have a bit more work to do as I begin measuring our output to determine our final schedule and plan for output. I imagine that I won't know for sure until a couple weeks of producing though. Either way, the project is moving into a new and exciting phase. I'll update you next week for whether we pass the green-light conditions or not.